Some dogs come with vaccinations record unfortunately some come without
Some dogs come already doctored unfortunately some don't
Most dogs we take on are good with kids every so often we get one that is not
most dogs we take are good with other dogs even cats sometimes but we do get ones that are not good with other dogs
We only take on dogs that are fully house trained but every so often we may get a client that lied to us that dog gets shipped out
Some dogs are good on the lead some dogs are not it all depends whose had the dog and not everyone has training experience
Leicestershire Dogs
Terms and conditions please read
1. Adoption fees are non-refundable and is payable on the day of the adoption. This is not payment for the pet but to go towards funding to help other pets needing my help. my
2. The need for insurance is essential as my organisation will not be held responsible for the vet's bills.
3. If the potential adopters want a dog to live outside, it can only be a dog that is already used to living outside. 4.
i do not re-home dogs to be used for guarding, breeding, or anything other than as a family pet.
5. I do not place dogs in a family home where they will be left for longer than 4 hours a day at any one time. 6. The new adopter must agree to have the pet either castrated or spayed within 3 months
7. New adopters must also agree that I can keep in touch for the rest of the pet's life. A follow-up visit may be arranged.
8. I do not normally re-home dogs to people who have 3 or more dogs.
9. If there are already dogs (or other pets of the same species as the adopted pet) they must be castrated or spayed.
10. If the new adopter already has a dog, I will only usually give them a dog of the opposite sex.
11. New adopters are not allowed to re-home the pet themselves; the pet must come back to Leicestershire Dogs
12. New adopters must advise me immediately of any change in circumstances which would mean that the pet is not getting the attention etc, that the pet deserves.
13. If everything goes well at the Home Check and you are able to adopt a pet through me, you must be aware that you cannot at any time part with that pet for any reason, unless he/she comes back to Leicestershire Dogs
14. At the time of adoption, there is a donation expected to be paid for each pet. This goes towards the ever-growing vet and fostering costs and are not a payment for the dog, nor purchase of the adopted pet. This donation is non-refundable.
15. If a dog gets ill on you after adopting it being fit and healthy you will be responsible for vet fees as it left as a healthy dog
16. After a bad experience with the last client I had, I will no longer let any of my dogs go to households with kids under the age of 5 years old. as from 16/08/2019
17. Please note if you are to sell one of Leicestershire Dogs adopted dogs you will be prosecuted and made to pay compensation in a small claims court/.
18. Please note in terms of keeping in touch with the family the adopted dog came from that will no longer be allowed all updates will come from myself not from the previous owners as to avoid bringing Leicestershire Dogs into disrepute by discussing personal info such as adoption fees etc.
19. Always research the breed before you adopt to prevent disappointment
20. Proof of address must be provided. Personal identification must be provided.
21. As from the 30/06/2023 there is a £50 admin fee charge on all dog adoptions
22. As from 25/08/23 you will not be able to adopt without a video call so I can see who I'm dealing with as standard practice
23. Only professionals with a professional reference can adopt a dog from Leicestershire Dogs
ll dogs must be paid or before they can be taken home as standard practice